In the high-stakes field of economics and finance, accuracy is paramount in order to close successful deals and transactions. It’s within this context that the syndication agreement between Italy’s and the globally acclaimed Financial Times has emerged as a transformative force, poised to redefine the landscape of finance journalism in Italy. This partnership signifies a pivotal moment, bringing substantial changes to industry dynamics and offering an enriched content experience for readers. An Italian Leading Platform stands tall as one of Italy’s foremost platforms for economic and financial insights. With editorial bases strategically positioned in Rome and Milan, the publication is dedicated to delivering timely and original content of superior quality. From international financial market trends to cryptocurrencies, covers a comprehensive range of topics, securing the top position in ComScore’s Finance sector ranking in Italy.
Financial Times: A Global Authority
The Financial Times, a global news organisation, is renowned for its authoritative voice, unwavering integrity, and precision in reporting. With major hubs in London, Manila, Hong Kong, New York, and Sofia, the diverse FT team comprises over 600 specialised professional journalists from around the world. The organisation upholds its mission to provide independent, high-quality information, news, and services globally, guided by its Editorial Code that demands adherence from all FT editorial staff and contributors.’s Perspective on the Agreement
Flavia Provenzani, the editor of, emphasises the significance of the syndication agreement with, recognising it as a testament to their leadership in Italy’s economic and financial sector.
Editor-in-chief Dimitri Stagnitto shares this sentiment, expressing contentment with the syndication agreement and underscoring the enhancement of readers’ knowledge through FT’s contribution. Stagnitto emphasizes the commitment to in-depth and reliable journalism, now enriched with an international touch.
About the Syndication Agreement
The Financial Times, with its esteemed editorial team, serves as the primary source of news in the field of economics and finance. The syndication agreement entails the translation and publication of selected content from onto the pages of Specifically, in-depth articles from the Financial Times will be featured in a dedicated section on the website in their Italian language version, designed considering the preferences of local readers.
As a testament to the commitment to information quality, access to translated content is exclusive to subscribers of Premium. This ensures that Italy’s audience not only gains access to an international offering but also receives top-tier economic and finance insights.
Influence on Italy’s Finance Journalism
The partnership extends beyond mere translation, creating a curated section where Italian readers can access selected pieces, offering a broader international perspective: a departure from the traditionally limited, local views, ushering in a new era in Italian economics and finance journalism. and the Financial Times can therefore be considered pioneers of an innovative editorial approach, deeply committed to serving their audience with an intense understanding of the importance of economics and finance content characterised by reliability