Myanmar recently welcomed the arrival of its inaugural shipment consisting of two state-of-the-art Russian Su-30 fighter jets, Myanmar’s Trade Minister, Charlie Than, revealed in an interview with the Russian RIA state news agency, as reported on Sunday.
Speaking from the Eastern Economic Forum, Russia’s annual gathering aimed at fostering economic collaboration and attracting foreign investment, Charlie Than shared the exciting news of the aircraft’s delivery.
The forum, commencing in the port of Vladivostok, serves as a significant platform for promoting economic cooperation within the region.
The acquisition of these fighter jets stems from a contract inked between Russia and Myanmar in September 2022, stipulating the delivery of six Su-30SME fighter jets, as disclosed by RIA.
The Su-30SME multi-role fighter jet, developed by Sukhoi, boasts a versatile set of capabilities, including engaging aerial targets, conducting aerial reconnaissance, executing combat missions, and facilitating pilot training, according to Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state-controlled arms exporter.
Additionally, Minister Than shared insights with the Russian TASS state news agency, underscoring the intent to sign multiple bilateral agreements during the East Economic Forum.
Among these agreements, tourism development cooperation between the two nations takes precedence.
However, the Russian Ministry of Defence refrained from providing immediate comment in response to a Reuters request.
The United States has voiced its reservations regarding Russia’s support for Myanmar’s military rulers, deeming it unacceptable and destabilizing.
Washington argues that the supply of weapons to Myanmar only exacerbates the ongoing conflict, plunging the country into an even deeper crisis.
Notably, Russia’s Defence Minister and high-ranking diplomats have visited Myanmar, fostering diplomatic ties.
Additionally, Myanmar’s junta leader, Min Aung Hlaing, has embarked on multiple visits to Russia since 2021, earning the prestigious honor of an honorary doctorate during one such visit.
These interactions underscore the evolving relationship between the two nations.
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